viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

The beautiful person

The truth is that there isn´t an important Physical Therapist whom I admire. But yes, I have some teachers who are very inteligent, succesfull people, from who I can learn a lot, and I would like take their example. Always is good leveling up. But there is a person, who isn't Phisical Therapist, He is a beautiful person that help me to decide for Phisical Therapy.
He is Mr Jhon a man that work cleaning the city but he have a particular characteristic, dont have hands,instead he have some kind of cuffs... but nevertheless he follow work happy, follow be happy, because he isn't disabled... He is a self-sufficient person, because he decided to fight hard to get on in life...

I would like to be a person or professional that trasmit this message of perseverance and hope to patients, overall in patients who have lost a mobility or a part of their body as mr. Jhon

These is the person that I admire, I thing that his story is a example of life, and he reminds us that we should always fight to be happy...

I hope that mr Jhon is ok in this moments... I never saw him...

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