viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

hehehehe! free time.

One of the things that I like so much to do in my free time is going to the theater. I think that it is necessary a great skill an talent to tell a story only with your body and a few materials. I really admire these people. I love the dinamics that there is among the actors in the play and with the audience. When somebody go to the theatrer, he must pay attention to very things, because the story is often interrupten by other actors, a new situation,or a change the music, the combinations of all things generate a pleasant atmosphere. I believe them !!

Its very good that in Chile exist The Santiago a Mil festival" They bring importants plays from other place, and it is very cheap.

Other thing that I do always I can (when the money accompany me) is going to the concert of bands that I like. In the concerts I junp to everywhere , I sing until lose voice. Its very funny.

On May 25th an excelent band Aerosmith! will come to Chile , I love them , and I have saved up the necessary money to go. Only wait....

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

This Febrary 27th...

Just finished the TV transmission of the "Viña Festival", unusually early compared to the other days... Those was my last night in a beautiful house in the beach, I was with five more persons, one of they is my Friend Java, the rest was unknown people. We was in the livingroom talking, other dancing in the kitchen xD when the table began to move, the windows doing very much noise, the light turn off, a glass fall and broken in the floor. I am afraid but I take to my friend and we get out of house, and the first thing we saw was the post of light swinging over us. I only want that finish soon, I hug java and we wait ...but It`s never-ending!!

Latter, we get up to hill because There was tsunami alert, in this moment I remember my family and my boyfriend, I don't know where they are... Nobody can comunicate.

I only comeback to my home, with my people...

viernes, 16 de abril de 2010


Always I had thougth that to talk English very well is fantastic, but I never have done something for learn more about English language. For this I set myself that goal in this year acquiring skills and develop its. Because to know English its very importantn in this years, for enter to globalised world. I currently study a Phisical Therapy, a healf course for this all science information and the new investigations is write in English. I want to be informed to new discovery to the science for tobe a good professional
