viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

emergency contraception

The true is that my view of the emergency contraception was very poor before this activity, because I think that all things happened for some reason, and if a woman becomes pregnant, she must face this situation, because those babies don’t have any fault, and they deserve to live like anybody in this world. Why we think that “our life” was more important that the lives of babies. I think that it is a thought very selfish, for this reason I was not interested in seeking further information. But, now I search more information about this, and I find that the emergency contraception (birth control after sexual intercourse) is the use of a drug or device to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. Emergency contraception can be used when a condom breaks, if a diaphragm or cervical cap slips out of place during intercourse, after a sexual assault, or any time unprotected intercourse occurs. Emergency contraceptive pills are sometimes called the “morning-after pill” but they are usually effective if taken within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse. However I would not use it.

In relation to the article that we read, I don’t believe that a contraception with levonorgestrel have a maximal effectiveness is 100% of effect when LNG acts exclusively as an anovulatory drug , on pregnancy prevention, considering that the effects of one drugs can change so much from one person to other. I would like to see further studies of this drugs that endorse this information. In relation to the opinion of Dr Croxatto I think that their objections are well founded, it is difficult to notice the little mistakes that some researches show, but that mistake can change the results much

sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010

The Powerful people Lie...

I can`t assure you to survive here
If they come and go as if they were their land
Do they not see that it hurts?

it isn't Life, it isn't death, then what is?
It is "intermediate" that they living to daily
And I am sitting here and I can't help them.

The Powerful people lie, do it the thing convenient
They smile and nod to don't scare us with the truth
And to not look bad .

And all wait .. while they count bodies like empty numbers
Trying to make sense
And how none sees what's coming?

it isn't Life, it isn't death, then what is?
It is "intermediate" that they living to daily
And I sit here helplessly...


This is a song that I Translated because I like very much. It was written by Francisca Valenzuela, a Chilean singer that transmit through her songs deep messages related to love, of gender issues,discrimination, of the abuse of power .... and the last one is the topic that I want writte today.

This is the tipical problem of to have power, many times we watch in the TV to the politicians promising change the actual situation, promising a better future for all the people that vote for him. But the really is very diferent, The government is full of corrupt people who take advantage of his high office for make grow their own businesses without think in the comunity neither the higher good.
To listen the people is the most important to work in the public system, because they are only the representative the voice of one country. Not of a factory.

the power transforms, many times it is related to money. we living in a material world in which the life is accelerated in function of money, all is money today

And these corrupt persons is overshadowing the action of those who did really have a vocation of service and want to work for the community. so, the goverment loses credibility,and the population don't believe to another goverment employee.

The only way for to change this situation is denounce this corrupt actions....